Alternate Assignments

The nature of a student’s disability may cause considerable difficulty with presenting in front of a group, group projects, or class participation. While faculty are not required to alter the essential elements or the learning outcomes of the course, flexibility in achieving outcomes or alternate opportunities to complete course requirements may be necessary. Alternate assignments are for when the impact of a student’s disability prevents them from participating in a specific assignment as outlined in the course syllabus. Students cannot be penalized for completing alternate assignments that are mutually agreed to by the faculty, student, and CSD.

Alternate Assignment Procedure

  1. Review your course syllabus with your DSP to determine if alternate assignments in lieu of class participation/group work or projects/class presentations are appropriate.
  2. If the accommodation is deemed appropriate, and will not compromise the essential course requirements, your DSP will work with your instructor to identify an alternate assignment.
  3. Once an alternate assignment has been determined, your DSP and/or instructor will communicate it to you via email.
  4. Please note: An accommodation may not be appropriate for every assignment but when appropriate, it will be provided without a grading penalty.
  5. If necessary, the CSD may create a Course Modification Agreement which will be shared with you and your instructor. A Course Modification Agreement is created on a course-by-course basis to provide information for students and instructors related to a specific accommodation such as alternate assignments.

Information for Instructors

Alternative Options for In-Class Participation/Discussions

  • Student is given advance notice of when they will be called upon in class (e.g., emailed the day before)
  • Student is given advance notice of the questions they will be asked during class (e.g., emailed the day before) so they may prepare their answers
  • Student submits written responses(s) to discussion prompt(s)
  • Student has discussion individually with instructor

Alternative Options for In-Class Presentations

  • Student presents individually to instructor
  • Student presents to instructor and a small group (3-4) of students
  • For individual presentations, student is given the option to present with a partner or group
  • Student is given the choice of when to present (e.g., date, beginning/middle/end of class)
  • Student does not receive a grading deduction if they read from notes/script while presenting
  • Student sits at a table or desk while presenting
  • Student records video and/or audio in advance to be presented during class
  • Student creates slideshow with video and/or audio embedded within each slide with their comments
  • Student submits a written paper on the subject matter
  • Student submits a portfolio of evidence demonstrating their mastery of the skill or subject matter

Alternative Options for Group Work/Group Projects

  • Provide direct instruction to students in establishing group norms and expectations, identifying roles and responsibilities for each group member, setting timelines, and giving feedback
  • Allow the student to participate in group work virtually or asynchronously and provide options for how the work is shared or submitted
  • Replace group work with an independent project as long as it still meets the essential requirements of the course