We are constantly researching applications, software, and devices that can help benefit our student population. Our services include assessments and demonstrations, access to educational software, and equipment loans. CSDTech understands that each student learns and studies in a different way and what works for one may not work for another. Therefore we offer a wide variety of solutions to help accommodate our students.
CSDTech loans out specific types of assistive technology and software that can be used in and out of the classroom

The Echo Smartpen is used to take notes in class while recording the lecture. The audio is synced with the notes as they’re being written. The user can tap notes with their pen to hear the audio that corresponds to that section of notes. The synced audio and notes can be transferred to the user’s computer, where they can listen to the audio by section, sort and save notes, and search for specific words in the handwritten notes.
Digital Recorder
Digital recorders can be used to record audio and listen back at later times. CSDTech has several of these devices available for students to loan.

Desktop Magnifiers
Desktop Magnifiers help visually impaired students read text and view images to use in our CSD exam rooms. The two options that are available to use through CSDTech are ONYX and CloverBook Pro.
CSDTech has many different kinds of software that can be utilized and installed directly on your personal laptop.

Glean Audio Notetaker is a software designed to help students improve their notetaking/studying abilities. This software has some features that could benefit you inside and outside of the classroom, such as: linking your PowerPoint slides with recordings to help break down lectures, color-coding important audio clips for a more efficient review process, and extracting important slides and important recordings for more effective exam preparation.

Microsoft OneNote is a software that gathers notes, drawings, screen clippings, and audio commentaries. The notes can be typed or written using a tablet, and can also include tables, charts, and equations. This program allows different notebooks to be created, with different sections and pages within each notebook, to allow notes to be organized in a personalized way.

Read&Write is a customizable toolbar that integrates reading, writing, studying, and research support tools with common applications. Some features include Text To Speech with Dual Synchronized Highlighting, Highlighting, Talking Dictionary, Picture Dictionary, Vocabulary Tool, Study Skills tools to capture highlights and OCR capabilities.

Otter.ai is an app that allows you to transcribe audio in real time. Recording can be done on your phone or with web browser. Recordings can also be uploaded to the app. This software is compatible with several video call services.